

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Hampshire Vacation 2014- Day #4

Vacation Day #4 
July 23rd

Today we packed a picnic lunch and we all went to White Lake. The kids love it there and its something we do every year. 

These ducks visited me :)

We were there there quite a while. The kids were having fun but the sky got darker and darker. You could see over Mt Chocorua in the distance that a storm was definitely approaching.


I made the kids get out. The wind was picking up and you could tell the storm was about to hit us. As I came to that conclusion, most of the other people there did too and the park emptied quickly. The kids ran and got changed and just before I felt rain drops, I took this photo... These people were crazy! There was lightning and thunder at this point! It was really pretty though!

We drove out of White Lake State Park and as we turned onto route 16 it started to down pour. It was scary to drive in! I texted the older kids and told them to pull over if they had trouble seeing the road. It rained for so long that Billy and Tommy's campsite was soaked. They spent the night with us.
Paul cooked us all dinner. The kids did their own thing until they were ready to go to sleep. 

©RachelC.Photography and ©, ♥A memory is a photograph taken by the heart, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ©RachelC.Photography and  ©, ♥A memory is a photograph taken by the heart, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


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